Massachusetts P.R.N.

Information updated as of 3/2021

The name of their “PRN": Pharmacy Substance Use Disorder (PSUD) Program

Model: Health Care Organization (government entity)

Eligible: Pharmacists, Pharmacy Interns and Pharmacy Technicians

Pharmacy Substance Use Disorder (PSUD) Program

239 Causeway Street, Boston, Massachusetts   02114

phone: 617 973 0908  |  fax: 617 973 0980 

Ed Taglieri, MSM, NHA, RPh 

Pharmacy Substance Use Disorder Supervisor 


Phone: 781-973-0908 

Pharmacy Board of Registration:


This organization has a 7 member Rehbilitation Advisory Committee.  The PSUD Program reports to the Pharmacy State Board as a confidential and non-disciplinary alternative to a traditional disciplinary process.

What about funding? The organization does not charge client fees. All fees are paid by the licensee.

Active clients include: Pharmacists, Interns, and Pharmacy Technicians

Pharmacy Substance Use Disorder Program (PSUD): 

Fact Sheet 

October 2017 

1. Program Contact: 

Ed Taglieri, MSM, NHA, RPh 

Pharmacy Substance Use Disorder Supervisor 

Department of Public Health , Bureau of Health Professions Licensure 

Board of Pharmacy , 239 Causeway Street, Suite 500 , Boston, MA 02114 


Phone: 617-973-0908 

2. The Pharmacy Substance Use Disorder Program (PSUD) is a new program in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts established by M.G.L. c. 112, § 24H. 

3. Who may participate? 

a. Individuals licensed by the Board 

i. Pharmacists 

ii. Pharmacy Interns 

iii. Pharmacy Technicians 

b. With a substance use disorder (SUD) involving alcohol or drugs 

c. Must agree to cooperate with their individualized rehabilitation plan recommend by the rehabilitation evaluation committee and approved by the Board. 

4. Participation: 

a. Voluntary 

b. Provides a non-disciplinary alternative to traditional disciplinary action against an individual’s professional license, provided the participant is fully compliant with the rehabilitation plan. 

c. Participation in PSUD does not appear as discipline on an individual’s professional license during participation or after successful completion. 

5. Program offers confidentiality: 

a. Information obtained by a PSUD supervisor pursuant to PSUD is confidential and exempt from disclosure. 

b. Upon successful completion of the program (typically 5 years) all records will be sealed, all Board and Committee records and records of a participant’s involvement in the program will be kept confidential and shall not be subject to discovery or subpoena in any civil, criminal, legislative or administrative proceeding without prior written consent of the participant 

c. The Board may take disciplinary action against the professional license of a participant who withdraws from the program prior to successful completion, or whose participation is terminated as a result on non-compliance. 

6. A typical PSUD rehabilitation program consists of: 

a. 5 year program 

b. Full restriction on practice (no practice permitted) for first year of program 

c. Gradual return to work and duties in years 2-5 

d. Monitored practice with restrictions that decrease over time for years two to five of program 

e. Meeting with PSUD committee and supervisor regularly 

f. Individualized Rehabilitation Program approved by the PSUD Committee 

g. Work setting required to report on a regular basis to the PSUD Committee 

7. Will my license have disciplinary action viewable to the public? 

a. During any period in which you have a full practice restriction, your publicly viewable license status will be “non-disciplinary restrictions.” During all other periods of your participation in the program, your publicly viewable license status will be “non-disciplinary conditions.” 

b. Once you have successfully completed the rehabilitation program, typically after year 5, your license will not reflect any discipline relating to your participation in this program or related to the event that caused entry into the program. 

c. Any pre-existing discipline, or discipline based on non-compliance with the rehabilitation program will be listed as it is for all licensees. 

8. How is my rehabilitation program paid for: 

a. Your rehabilitation program is funded by yourself by either your own health insurance or your own personal funds. 

b. There is no cost for the coordination of the program from the Board of Pharmacy. 

c. You will typically not be able to work as a licensed professional for the first year of the program. 

9. When is the program ready to accept referrals? 

a. Referrals may be made currently at any time 

10. For more information please contact: 

Ed Taglieri, MSM, NHA, RPh 

Pharmacy Substance Use Disorder Supervisor 


Phone: 781-973-0908